Flower Dreams 5

Art by Norman E. Masters

Vision Voices 2


1.) Let Me Come To You
by Philo

"Let me move you
enliven you
stimulate you"

2.) She Pervades And Penetrates All Things
from The Wisdom Of Solomon

"She is reflection of eternal light...
She reaches mightily from one end
of the earth to the other..."

3.) I am a Goddess Worshipping Christian
by Cathie ManyVeils

"Christ serves his own unique function which does not negate
the functions of Sophia, the Holy Spirit,
or any other Mother or Daughter Goddess."

4.) What Is A Goddess?
by Genie Webster

"A goddess invents her own life, and lives according to her own vision.
A goddess is continually learning and evolving.
A goddess sees her body (and the earth) as sacred,
and is in tune with natural cycles."

5.) Feel The Flesh Of Goddess
by Wynn Manners

"Feel the flesh of god/dess; know this knowing...
Remember? all that you are here to love... most deeply..."

6.) Amber Glow
by Sue Peek

"i'll show you things you've never seen
i'll drink your soul inside of me

we'll toss the stars into the sea
welcome to eternity"

7.) Through The Light
by Mellen-Thomas Benedict

"The revelations coming from the Light seemed to go on and on,
then I asked the Light, 'Does this mean that humankind will be saved?'
Then, like a trumpet blast with a shower of spiraling lights,
the Great Light spoke, saying,
'Remember this and never forget...'"

8.) How Can Romantic Love Manifest
As A Path To The Divine?
by Norman E. Masters

"In what is our eternity --
but in our love for each other?
What abides forever *except* Love?"

9.) Please Tell Me Who You Are
by Eric Ashford

"All lovers predict themselves in each other.
They prophesy a love into being and live in that body."

10.) Striking Your One Note
by Eric Ashford

"God has a perfume
and it is in the very moment
that we expire upon Her presence.

11.) I AM - Inspiration
by Sharon Pacione

"I AM Sophia, caretaker of wisdom
I AM the veiled mystery behind time and space
I AM the alpha and the omega
I AM the key to the tree of life"

12.) Meditation On Sophia
by Burl Hall

"Beyond this world of time and space, existing prior to creation,
Sophia, the Divine Wisdom, stands alone.
Sophia is the timeless Ocean of Life where distance ceases to be
and in which all creatures are grounded."

13.) The Story Of Creation
by PhiloSophia

"And in Her joy, She danced, and She sang,
and Her song became the world,
and Her dance gave life to all creatures."

14.) Charge Of The Goddess of Wisdom
by Authoress Unknown

"Approach Me in the sanctity of silence...
...fear has no place in My nurturing Mysteries..."

15.) Naming God Female
by Gaia D

"Naming God female legitimizes and affirms femaleness,
just as naming God male affirms maleness;
it affirms that the female body and consciousness are sacred,
just as a male God affirms that the male body and consciousness are sacred."

16.) One Child Of Us Both
by Eric Ashford

"I have laid down inside your body moving like a lover.
These love dreams are signs of my awakening in You--"

17.) Be-ing: In Your Embrace
by Deanne Quarrie

"I am renewed with your awakening.
My own heat rises as your sunlight streams upon me."

18.) Seeking You, O Holy Wisdom
by Brandrui

"Seeking You, Beseeching You
O Holy Lady, O Holy Spirit
O Holy Wisdom"

19.) In The Womb of Goddess
by Merry Hall

"I float as a fetus
In the womb of the Goddess"

20.) Out of Her Came the Father of All
by Dee Burgess

"In His experience of Her totality,
He discovers himself."

21.) Spirit and Wisdom
by Mychael Zagreus

"She is the first breathing of your journey.
She is the cloud and the water.
Her face is reflected in yours."

22.) i am that which awaits your welcome
by Josie Kane

"i am the one who begged you
i am the one that lost the most"

23.) Imagine You're Light
by Steve Toth

"Don't turn away
but look gently on us"

24.) Dream Of Light
by Rita Adan

"Light shines into my dark at times
And I clearly see precious wonders"

25.) Isis
by Eric Ashford

"The Queen of the Nile has flooded my banks.
Her spirit is my shade."

26.) Maya, A Dream
by Cathie ManyVeils

"We continue on into the sacred heart ...
Stained glass muse, Maya slips into the circle ..."

27.) Lady Of Your House
by Eric Ashford

"Hush. Do you hear her footfall
upon the shimmering of dawn? "

28.) Time Is Your Mystic Dance
by Wynn Manners & Ananda Ananda

"Her true Nature permeates everything from the
grossest matter to the more Sublime refined energy."

To *Cosmic Mother, Wisdom's Lovers* To "Let Me Come To You"