February 2009

All the activities that pull one away from Intentions...

Anyways... further additions to the Contents of *COSMIC MOTHER, WISDOM'S LOVERS,* are finally being made, this month... and enough of them to kinda make up, in part, for all the months that have slipped by.

We're beginning the second hundred of mainly Sophia-focussed poems by wynn manners, under a new button, *Embracing Sophia* (which is also the name of wynn's Yahoo Sophia list).  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/EmbracingSophia/

To get *Embracing Sophia*, on *Cosmic Mother, Wisdom's Lovers* started with a Big Bang! -- 25 poems by the winsome one. These are:

"I Am Isis, I Am Sophia," "Angel of My Midnight Musings," "Living Mystery, Light Eternal," "Rooted In Her," "moonlight and laughter," "heartbeat of forever," "Your Web of Infinite Fineness," "How Delectable You Are," "chalice," "Strange Felicities," "Translucent Moments With You," "WithYou," "You are the only dance to go to," "Seer*Cry Out of the Secrecies," "Upon the Loom of Time," "awakening..." "Dancing the Divine Yes!" "deep inweaving..." "Come to me on Spirit's wings," "In the Heart of the Mystical Rose," "Into Your Immensitudes," "just this YES!" "Knocking At The Door Of Your Heart," "Be Her Loving" and "You verify me..."

~~til next time,

~~wynn manners

May 2008

For May 2008, to our contents at *COSMIC MOTHER, WISDOM'S LOVERS,* five *more* pieces by Norea St. John are being uploaded by our gracious (and patient) WebMaster (without whose efforts & expertise on our behalf, *none* of this would be available for anyone).

So -- consider letting your soul be kissed by Norea's "A Kiss Of Presence", bring into memory your fondest "Heart's Remembrance", & let us each be grateful unto Her who was once "Singing Your Essence Into Being", Who reveals "I Am The Dance Of Time" & Who is "Evolving The Fullness".

--in gratefulness,

~~wynn manners

April 12, 2008

This month, 5 more Sophia-focussed pieces by Norea St. John will be gracing our ever-expanding (as long as we're able) Contents Page at *COSMIC MOTHER, WISDOM'S LOVERS,*.

These are: "The Awakened Heart", "Children of Wisdom's Truth", "The Golden Transition", "Home To The Heart's Open Welcoming", and "She Is The Creating Power".

Old Winsome is gonna be gone (and off-line) for the next 6 weeks... so next month's update had been done ahead-of-time. Tryin' *not* to be missing any months! Even a bit of something uploaded, each month, is more than nothin'!

~~in the Everness,

~~wynn manners

WHAT'S NEW UpDates, April 2007 - March 2008, Our Seventh Year.

WHAT'S NEW UpDates, April 2006 - March 2007, Our Sixth Year.

WHAT'S NEW UpDates, April 2005 - March 2006, Our Fifth Year.

WHAT'S NEW UpDates, April 2004 - March 2005, Our Fourth Year.

WHAT'S NEW UpDates, April 2003 - March 2004, Our Third Year.

WHAT'S NEW UpDates, April 2002 - March 2003, Our Second Year.

WHAT'S NEW UpDates, April 2001 - March 2002, Our First Year.