Womb Of Goddess

Womb Of Goddess
Art by Norman E. Masters


From the Limitless Void........ the Womb of the Great Mother,
From She whom All That Is came forth,
Came Forth the First Sound of All Creation,
Came forth the Ain Soph,
The First Word,
The First Word that was the Beginning.......
...........Of All Creation.

The First Sound of Infinite Estactic Bliss
Searing through the great Void
In sizzling, dazzling brilliance.....
Electifying the Emptiness with....
......The First Thunder
Rippling, reverberating in endless permutations,
The Primordial Sound resounding with the patterns .......
.........of All Creation

Bringing forth the Vast Array of every colour, hue and tone,
Ever, ever rippling on ........through all Eternities,
........through endless Creations,
........through endless symphonies
of harmonics and disharmonics.........
......... Interplaying in Great The Dance of the Aeons
Each dreaming a million dreams.....
Within each dream a million realities........
Ah, Ah.....

Within All Creation is Her Ain Soph.........
Within All Creation is Her Song.........

Indeed, We Are Her Song expressing.....
All That Is.......
............The Song of the First Mother.

"Song of the First Mother" through SharOn Alder,
Pistis Sophia, Jan.24, 2003.

To *Cosmic Mother, Wisdom's Lovers* Back To *Gnostic Transitions* Contents To "Opening To Union"