Flaming Star

Flaming Star
NASA Photo
Link at bottom of page.

You are the only
dance to go to

Your Wisdom *is* a form of divine dancing thru time,
into minds... but deeper than just the mental,
for there is a physical wisdom, a cellular wisdom,
a healing wisdom, a bodily wisdom....

It is all dance, this interweaving
of bodies & minds, love-touchings...
painting, poetizing...

Music... a dance of notes,
on the flute, the violin, the piano...
wind dancing the leaves...

You are the only dance to go to, Beloved;
You *are* the Living Dance...
maya & lila, still Your Dance...

We dance in You
& You dance in *us*.

Dance of stars
& dance of galaxies,

Dance of wind with flames...
the Dance of Life, itself...
Dance of memories...

To be writing upon What *Is* Wisdom
is to be dancing *with* You, Beloved...
& with*in* You within us...
for how would we know that we know
if You were not dancing as our very minds,
our awarenesses, our experiencings?

~~wynn manners
January 4, 2006

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