Spasms in the heart's chambers...
rippling, radiant vitality...
With purest joy i embrace You,
radiant Bride of Light,
to hold you so near, so dear,
is to be realizing what was hitherto unthinkable,
*You!* entwining Your essence with mine
in this interfusion sublime,
out of space, out of time, in Your embrace divine...
Glimpses of a glimmering vision of the incredible
shimmering thru chromatic changes,
a panorama of living light,
this wild fantasy of a marvelous reality
rainbows showering
in our light-dancing intimacies...
To enter the sacred fire of You!
abandoning myself into this mounting excitement,
into this wild joy of release in You,
a strange music heightening the experiencing,
strange rhythms pulsing thru us,
floating in moonlight & laughter, inhaling
Your sweet perfume as you give me to drink
of the dark wine of Andromeda,
Your gossamer robed splendors
opening invitingly to be nuzzled & caressed
in my heartleap of oh yes! how You bless me
in this blessed serendipity,
the sweet balm of the golden energy of You
permeating me, into this sweet peace... |