From the first dawn of memory to the last transfiguration of love
I Am Isis, I Am Sophia, I Am Goddess of a million Names;
I Am Living Spirit of Life Herself Who watches in the depths.
I Am behind all mutable reflections of the Word;
I Am Who animates the World & the r*Evolution of all hidden things.
I have clothed terrestrial Life with Beauty
-- a clothing of the divine ME;
Earth & Heavens are the Time-vesture of My Eternal Spirit.
I speak to you Spirit to spirit;
your temporal Life is put on for a season,
to be laid off when you come to Me
beyond all the restraints of your physical senses;
for now you are journeying & struggling thru what is yet dimly seen --
close-bordering the impalpable... expanding into My infinite regions.
I Am behind the mystic veils of all seeming;
I come to you in Visions...
I come to you in all lucid Dreaming.
I AM the Living Love from Whose heart's
blood the roses break into blossom.
To taste my kiss is to taste the blood of your own being.
From the soundless lips of Love & Sleep, of Memory & Dream,
from the depths of the deepest Silence,
I Am the Voice of the Manifold Mystery made audible into your mind.
My action is as strong as that of a flower budding
into the heart of your knowing, this very moment, now...
revealing strength thru delicacy, thru sensitivity,
in all recurrent blossoming...
I bring into union the lusts of the flesh & the secrets of the soul,
the kingdoms of this world & the mysteries of other worlds.
I foresee without eyes & forehear without ears
the far-off features of the future
& the soundlessness of change.
Yet all are My eyes & My ears...
Clothe Me with music as with a garment;
kindle your fiery passion upon my breasts of bounty;
hunger for My Mysteries in the sanctitude
of My infinite sweetness & tenderness;
sway as fire in your undulatory dances of passion for Me &
for each other; dance as foliage stirred by the wakening wind.
I Am the mounting flame on the edge of your own flaming rapture,
the mysteriously vital Fire of your innermost essence of being.
In Me are secret & vast raptures only eternal spirits attain
in sensuous heavens that know not pain.
I Am the mysterious Holy of Holies
building Herself into visibility again,
returned from the mysterious deeps; & reverence in Me
is the divinest womanity has ever known, springing forth undying
in a spirit of joy and celebration that is pure & whole in holiness.
Thru Me you come to know your Self of selves;
thru you I know myself more multitudinously...
My tenderness is infinite; my sweetness is the Wine of Life itself.
After all your fiery passions & hunger for love have run their course,
in Me you will find the sanctitude of bliss and peace. |