How do the angels wander, even now, and since time began
... to see the works of time? And why?
Amidst eternity, time, too, has its wonders...
& do not angels sing *all* wonders?
Sung into being by the Mother of All, Her angels
sing of Her works in time...
& whether we, Her children, learned
to sing from Her angels -- or from *Her* directly,
we sing the wonder that swells our souls,
we sing the Love that pulses our hearts,
we sing sweet beauty that blisses our being
we sing our losses, we sing our sorrows, our despair,
we sing our dreams of a better tomorrow, & will we be there?
Does tomorrow ever come?
Angel of my midnight musings...
Angel of all these night*tide & day*tide dreams of seeming...
Angel of these dayshine bowers of inner bliss in *Her*...
Angel of my quiet hours... come nearer, now, &
let this consciousness take wing with you...
The mind of time is not of the Essence of the Eternal...
each moment a different thought in the endless streaming...
It keeps changing, these reflections, these reveries...
from day to day, year to year, decade to decade...
& not even *knowing* how much from lifetime to lifetime...
From the ridiculous to the sublime,
from the depths to the heights,
from pain... returning to intimate delights...
all the weathering of the weathered heart
tethered in *You*... now something blue,
now something new... & borrowed, too...
Angels of the Companions of Peace...
Angels of a fragrant wish,
caressing a dream-come-true
with a *breath* of Truth
Do i not live in a Dream Come True? Amidst
all the wonders of time & Eternity, simply that *You*
are here*with me, Your kiss upon my lips...
what more to wish*for than that *You* be kissing me more
& that these lips breathe whispering love into your ear...
All the wonders of Eternity --
how can they mean more than Your Love to me?
Yet all these wonders... they are *of* Your Love!
If i were not living in time, how taken-for-granted
would be the Sight of Light!
It is the piquancy of time-fleetly-fleeing
that *intensifies* the meanings, & deepens our sensitivities
to glimpses of Eternal Essence, Your Living Presence...
If our own Eternal Natures were not
hidden behind the veils of time & flesh
we would be deprived of all this wonderment in *discovering* You.
Last moments in this flesh...
"At that moment I will be with you..."
You come to me when i am most *alone*, Beloved...
"Blessed are the solitary"... for You come to *these*...
Fierce as it may get to be, in the dying
our intimacies become the most intense...
You are the Sight of Light Who beckons to me;
Your Wisdom, all-luminous Dark Mother of All,
Your understanding, Your compassion embrace me in my awe
of You as Your Essence of Being seeps thru, permeates this seeing,
burbles as buoyant bubbles seltzering the heart*springs...
In & out of the Circle of Your Eternal Stillness --
Womb of Metamorphosis, Cosmogenesising *us*
thru the implicate genetics of the Aeonic Sophai*Christos
Light Elements -- elemental -- in endless recombinant permutation
evolving all the ways of *see*ing You,
of *be*ing Your Loving come *alive*!
Angel of my silent hours...
the fluttering of your wings is the Thunder of Silence... |