I am the colors of every rainbow.
I am the dew drops on petals,
the sand at your feet,
and the feet you're standing on.
I am known by all
but only seen by a few,
for simplicity is well camoflauged
when the physical reality is all that is looked for.
I am the laughter in remembrance
of forgotten smiles and songs.
I am the Joy where Love abides.
I am the freely given
with no concerns for judgement or retribution.
I am the you,
in Unconditional.
I am the sharing response
when actively seeking to see.
I am the presence that
walks with you always.
Always waiting for a hello
a, "How's the weather up there?"
I am everything and nothing
all at the same time.
I am Mother, Father, Friend.
Some have called me Allah, God, Shiva, the One,
the Void.
I say,
"I Am." |