Fire burns
blood's red heat
earth-clay clots flesh
firm, soft- just here
water, sea signs herself
gives drink to all that is dry
air, breathes life
carries words
indwells kisses.
aroma- clings even as we cleave.
Gentle caress:
looking relaxes into seeing.
I am seen, even as I see
your light-body enters my eyes
eyes hold, but not take
receive what is given, most by indirection
what was two
now is one.
Your body emanates ten thousand aromas
blended into your essence
my body emanates ten thousand aromas
blended into my essence.
We touch, ever so lightly
rub, ever so fiercely
and a great multitude of angels wing free
gather into moot
that was many, now is one.
What comes from your lips
from your tongue
breath-become-sound reaches out to my ears
enters, touches inner parts
sets them dancing.
To hear is to dance to another's soul-music
no empty dance, this
your word seeds my flesh
whom I bear is not me, nor you
some wholly other
some holy wholly other.
That of you, which comes to my lips
visits my tongue, sets taste buds abloom
flowers open, fruits set
the taste thereof is good
my bones are strong, joints supple
you member every taste where we meet.