You take me into the secret chambers of my being
to reveal the deepest secrets of my soul.
In my nakedness before you I feel holy
like I can never feel when clothed before others.
It is in the way your gaze
caresses me liquidly, meltingly, all-lovingly...
O Mary -- the teachings of your heart
you have yet to impart...
One moment you are so lively before me,
the next... still uncertain...
One moment so bright & animated,
the next, so flickering...
One moment the brightness of the sun,
the next the shyness of moon behind demure clouds...
then like a candle in the vagrant breeze,
but fragrant with intimations of secrets
vast & awesome like womb of stars
& milk of living light
from the breasts of our Mother's Generativity...
The soft brightness of your love is an ever-joy to me.
You gladden my heart & transmute me golden with felicity.
You are my living temple of love divine,
the holy shrine in which I shine...