What would the world be like, you ask,
if depth called not to height?
If cold and hot were neutralised
And day merged gray with night?
What if there were no yearnings
For unfulfilled delights?
What if adventure cried not
For wild blue space-filled flights?
What if my Lover's Passion
Grows dull and fades away?
Would the moon still shine?
Would stars blaze forth?
Would flowers bloom in May?
Neutrality knows no season,
No winter before Spring;
No summer growth -- no harvest yield,
No bursting songs to sing.
Where would you be, Beloved,
If all on earth should die?
Would I be conscious still of You?
Or would there be no "I" --
But merely Forces merged or joined
In Eternal Embrace?
I could not look into your eyes
Or gaze upon your face,
Or feel your arms,
Or touch your hair;
Knowing naught
Of Joy -- Despair.
It would be merely "We" once more
No bursting suns -- no dragon's lore.
Together -- ONE -- all senses stilled
Complete -- at rest -- and all fulfilled.
'Tis not enough!
Eternal Breath
Gives tides and season,
Life and Death!
With inhaled Breath we rested now
On silent, sleeping wings;
No dreaming sleep nor sleeping dream
Nor beating heart that sings.
The Moment passed. It might have been
Ten thousand years or more.
The exhaltation of the Breath
Began with whispered roar --
That broke the barrier of Sound
Vibrating high and low;
Celestial Music permeating
Creation's Newest Flow.
We Breathed Our Breath -- Exhaled Our Song,
Broke Our Embrace. And then
Enraptured: Mother -- Father -- Child --
Began once more again. |