Art by Norman E. Masters
but my soul is a silver string upon the Harp of Eternity..." |
Strung like a silver string... I feel I am halfway between life and death... numb & immoveable, quiescent, waiting...
For what? To be touched? to be plucked? that i *shimmer* glissanado?
Dreams of living stream in counter-currents thru dreams of sleeping; sleep, itself, an ocean of dreams...
What dreams will waken out of all the forsaken memories, strangely mutating?
They never stay the same...
The names keep changing in the dream*streaming...
Still, this mysterious melody rippling thru me, sleep-seeping the dreaming. Where is it coming from? What is it being *played* upon? It is an instrument like I have never heard before...
My mind is a harp of time... but my soul is a silver string upon the Harp of Eternity...
The instrument is named Mystery; & Someone -- or Some*Thing* is playing Melody upon it. The melody is called Memory...
Something in me fears the deeper meaning of that song... yet I sense my whole life, everything I know, everything I have felt, is a part of it...
All the heart's & soul's deepest yearnings -- our every emotion -- are *notes* in that cosmic symphony...
Strangenesses quivering thru me -- a shiver from beyond...
How can this be? The lives of all humanity -- every silver lifechord -- a string of this musical instrument of What Strange Gods who are playing our very*lives?
The lifespans of nations, the deepest *feelings* of all these billions of individuals -- components of a single symphony...
My dreaming is the Awakening... quicksilver streams of liquid light ripple-note the billions of life*strings of the Harp of Eternity... strung tautly between Life and Death...
It keeps haunting (what are now) my *waking*dreams, that Melody... I dream*wake the heart*quakes with a strange disquietude. i fear sleeping nevermore...
Does not every song come to an end? I want to escape from, I want to return to the Dreaming... I want to hear more of the Music... I want to *feel* my soul being *played*... on & on...
I want it to *stop*! Please *stop*!
The desires are an ongoing contradiction...
Earth & Stars call to me, simultaneously; I am strung-out between them -- by the sleepsingers crooning their strange harmonies...
Arcane melodies whose notes are the very emotions that quiver thru us, terrifying, laughing, crying, deeply beautiful, euphoric, horrifying, beatific... the dread anger, all the longings for release... where, now, any surcease of peace?
*Who* is playing -- & for *Whom*? I want to *know* -- but i fear the knowing...
Every human soul... a musical vibration in the trans-temporal glow of the ever*flow...
Then i hear *Her* laughing Voice, speaking, alluringly, from Mystery... teasing me... "It exists so much better Here than there! Afterall, it is a different Dream we live Over Here! It is *We* who are dreaming *you* -- tho you believe it is you who are dreaming us! If you could make the transition you would hear the music of *other* realities! Dreams copulating & singing the interpenetrating... dreams fructifying other dreams... Our dream bodies are the instruments upon which the Transpsyches play their own alien dream*music... a music of *touch*... It is how they are *loving* us most unutterably!
"And the stars, themselves, are dreaming stranger dreams than ever human mind has conceived!
"Hear the song the stars are singing! Canticles of Living Light!"
It is not music, as we know it... but shispers of star*speak wormhole my mind....
"Navigate the genetic waveform thru lightspeed's slipknot wormhole. *In*fold focii thru heart*womb of sun; timemorph the genepools to enter *our* timewave that solar DNA translate the morphic resonance thru star*fuck penetrance, solar magnetic implosions phaseshifting all cocoons of passion, fractualmorphing ecstatic superconductives, solar-flare-juicing trans-human passion to fertilize self*aware evolution from starseeds!"
Now I feel like starfall -- twinkle-dusting the future of forever... looking out from my pocket of trans-temporal relativity to see Light, itself, seeding Infinity...
Something in me wants to awaken; something in me wants to go on forever... in this morphogenesis of trans*humanity amalgamating with the Infinitudes radiancing the splendors...
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