Rainbow Linkages

Rainbow Linkages
Art by Norman E. Masters

Truth in Beauty,
Beauty in Truth

Living truth in beauty, beauty in truth, this all-loving in-weaving of hearts, minds, souls in Oneness divine -- wisdom comes of this...

Living truth in beauty, loving beauty in truth, the beauty of this one, beauty in that one, this in-weaving links our essence-of-being at the center, expressed in liveliness of endless variation...

Your dance, divine, dancing thru time, has *found* its dancers, Beloved...

Your dance goes on -- within us, all about us, thru all being, all luminous seeing.

Awakening, this morning, i was wondering (feeling Your kiss) how this could so frequently be... How can You *always* be with-me?

Your Voice, then, in my head -- so very *feminine* -- & *singing*! -- "Maybe I'm inside of you; you're inside of me..."

We are here to get inside the inside...

The perfume of Your thoughts tantalizes me, Beloved...
Yours is the fragrance of the infinite knowing...

The allure of Your Divine Mystery leads me on...
Now in this one, now in that one,
fleeting glimpses of You,
momentarily revealed; now, again, concealed.
Teasing with a flash of knowing, beckoning,
wrapped in shadow-folds, again...
night's mystic meanings.

You radiance thru the veils of time & flesh
Your beauty, itself, Truth's revelation...

May these eyes ever be upon the eternal truths & profound beauty expressed thru You. May this heart ever beat as Your Heart.

Beauty is ever-changing (within the shifting gaze of temporal eyes & minds)... thruout the seasons of change in our own lives; but the deepest beauty -- of the love & wisdom of heart that is One with You, Beloved, *this* is immortal beauty -- in all its Truth.

~~wynn manners
Nov./ Dec. 2003

Pleromatic Cross of Light [To Cosmic Mother, Wisdom's Lovers Main Page]