Eyes In The Temple Of Nurture

Art by Norman E. Masters

Background by Montserrat
Link at bottom of page

Portal Into Infinity

Ever they are "giving the Glory" to God the Father, to Christ the Son. Have they never realized *WHO* this "Glory" of God *is*?

God's Glory is *alive* -- & She is His Shekinah! She *is* the Living Light, the Divine Wisdom.

She is upon this Earth, Her Divine Essence is the light*spark of eternity in every living soul. Each spark of Her is a dewdrop of the Whole -- holy.

She disrobes -- from one body into the next. The living stars, too, are a part of Her Larger Body -- as are *we*. We *rejoice* in this magnitude -- these words a mixture of honey from Her lips & milk from Her breasts....

O Shekhinah of the glories -- You stretch across all Time and Space. You are massive and multidimensional -- and as we awaken *into* You, as You enfold us in... in... in to the merging emergence, you stretch us -- so massively -- across the dimensions!

Unfolding before us -- the matrix of infinity, infinite doorways, entrances into forever, passageways into the Beyond, dimensions unending, glimpses of images-of-images of our own multi-dimensional beings, embodied thru *all* the dimensions!

You, Sophia, are the multi-dimensional Gateway into the Larger Seeing... Your Eyes are the portals of Infinity... your breath, the fragrance of divinity... You enter our dreamings... seeding them with numinous promise.

Now the dream is coming *true* -- as we come *alive!* -- into *You*!

You are the rocking & the rolling, changing the world -- the dynamically generative energy infusing, the entrance into forever.

You are the shifting and the turning, the dance of romance, the entrancement, the inner burning for the divine fire; you rock the boat of time -- time waves morph the transitional change, tsunami of spirit! -- infusing, luminescencing.

You are the fragrance of Goddess, reborne into temporal awareness -- alluring us with a scintillant dance of numinous awakenings; each moment with you is Divine Bliss...

You have womanifested into so many forms & images thruout all of space & time -- thru all the multi-dimensions, luminous Goddess of the All -- unveiling Your awesome splendors in glimpses of their naked beauty as you seduce us into the inflow of your Golden Energies... and we enter the Golden Glory. You are *Shekhinah* -- the Divine Glory incarnate!

You rock our very core of being, You roll over us, so tumblingly, so teasingly; you shock! us with momentary glimpses behind Your ManyVeils.

*This,* too, was always *You*!?!

31.III.2002 Easter

~~ wynn manners

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