Art by Norman E. Masters
Does your soul veil itself, does your soul unveil itself, in this dance-thru-time we do together? When i look beyond your face & behind your sinuous grace is your soul, opening, fully? Are you the Beloved i have longed to know as deeply as ever? Our words, themselves veil us from each other. What avail, these veils? It is the rhythms of the Dance... that heighten & deepen our sensitivities to each other... Does your soul have its own fragrance -- beyond words? Strands of light, interweaving? such subtle sensitivities, emancipating into the liquid*light*flow... & how you come aglow in this radiance of freeing of the depths of your being. Only in soul merging with soul can the *inner* splendors be revealed, for this sacred fire is concealed to physical eyes & concepts of the mind... But it is *felt* with a different kind of sense -- the same with which one can feel the very heartbeat of living stars ...soul*heart in luminous numinosity, spinning living light, itself, in this divine dancing... living ecstasy *alive* into timelessness... Can you dance *forever* Enloved & in Loving? |
Dancer 2
Art by Percy Crosby
When we move into the Dance, Divine, the whole of our body becomes a part of it... no part of us can be left behind at the *beginning* of this dance... it must *all* dance... *all* of us... every smitch of our being, wholly into this dance... heart & mind, body & soul -- we give it *all* to the dance... til we are nothing *but* this dance. When we give *all* of us to the dance, we move out of our minds.... for our minds create barriers to total blending, interpermeation unending... our bodies, too... for how can i get beneath your skin -- *all* the way in to you? & you into me? in interweaving ecstasy that culminates & consummates & most fully emancipates us? Even the sensitivities of delicatest & most delicious touch are not enough in this dance of beautiful truth, brightening the inner splendors, so renewing to souls inter*twing*ling in the immensitudes of Spirit's love*light reviving & brightening in Oneness, Divine... souls, themselves the shining & intertwining of the holy flame of life, a promise & a foretaste of what is yet to come when our dance takes us beyond all immensitudes of yearning into the beatitude fulfilling our deepest-souled desires... soul into One Soul, to the very core from which shimmers radiant waves of vibrant golden energy, divinity no longer concealed but revealed in He/r Divine Dance, itself! We *are* this Dance! |
Julia Bubbles
Art by Julia
Dancing in the garden of your soul... luminous hints of concealed divinity *spark*!ing like stars in your eyes... Cryptic internity, suggestive immensitudes, your tantalizing sway, impetuously closer, seductive for the enigmatic persistent vision... Your sudden smile of exquisite delight lightens the night... Can souls clasp souls, Can souls quiver & joy-crest together Can souls kiss & *leave* the body into deeper intimacies of bliss? Can soul cleave to soul to become one larger whole? Can souls swim *in* to each other? As souls wholly & holily embrace, in Divine Love's full emancipation, what is the soul's highest desire? To yearn to be totally lost into You, is to yearn to be totally *found* in You, too. To be longing to fuse & blend into OneHeart, OneSoul is the desire to know Other *most* intimately & deeply, to get out of the skin of self, to expand beyond all of self's boundaries, is to be yearning for the infinite knowing... In this dance of soul-to-soul, beauty & radiance melt together, exquisitely corruscating in divine replendence, lustrous joy transforming us. Oh souls blended in Divine bliss... what *next*?! Forever is still here. |
Fairy Magic
Art Copyrighted by Jessica Galbreth
Link at bottom of page.
In the intensitudes of this dance souls abliss in the sea of divine being loving soul-essences intermeshing, all-blessing & all-blessed in this blissing weaving together in lovingness Love joining, invisibly, soul-to-soul-to-soul-to-soul as this dance expands & extends in invitation to heed the inner call to *be* this inweaving in & in & so wondrously deeply in, disappearing into each other, soul-lovers, soul-shudderings of pure bliss heart-cores love-opening, a fragrance divine... a resplendence sublime... no more alone... soul*home in the Garden of Infinity... It never ends... this soul-dance to the stars... & beyond... |