
Art by Jonathon Earl Bowser
Link at bottom of page

Mouth of Causeless Cause

Amidst the stars & streams...
streams of stars, water streams, 
streams of thoughts and streams of dreams...
You are the streaming behind all streamings...

The mysteries of Life... the Mysteries of death...
Mysteries of breath... the stillness... 
the awakening... the vibrant animation...
You are the Mouth kissing all Mysteries 
into mystic being... our deaths, Your inhalation, 
our birthing, Your exhalation in NewLife exhaltation...

You are the Mouth of Causeless Cause, singing 
into existence all dimensions, all universes, 
the Cosmic Becoming, all essences in simple *be*ing...

You are the speaking EarthSea... each wave 
upon each shore a syllable of Your evermore...
You are starsongs & starlight, 
sunstorms & Gaia dressed in Life;
You are the fertility that grows & nourishes all life;
You are the *that* which passes thru all, 
engendering all, the energy of temporality,
the erotic quiver, the numinous shiver, 
the flight of the arrow, the heart that receives,
the blood of the dying, 
death's dark embrace unto deathlessness...

You are Life/Death, Yin/Yang, yen-whang, 
Yes!/No!, Loving/Hating, Light/Darkness,
drunkeness/sobriety -- the polarity 
& the unity/division... Your lila...

All that comes of You returns to You... 
for it is All You... & could be nothing but...

~~wynn manners
November 7, 2003

Visions of The Goddess, Link to Jonathon Earl Bowser's Website

To Cosmic Mother, Wisdom's Lovers Main Page