Albedo Sublimis
Art by A. Andrew Gonzolez
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Luminous woman invites you to come unto Her. She comes to seduce you into loving her wholely & holily, all-consummingly unto the consummation of consummations... & emancipation as you have never known before. You shall love her & she shall love you in mysterious incredible ways. She loves you *inside*. She is the Yoni of your Dreams come true -- all *around* you! Inside the insidermost She is loving you, as you receive Her magick permeating all thru. Realize this closeness -- dancing in... in... in... behind the last veil; turn it around, how does it sound? inside-out, outside-*in*! ooooooooo.... O! upside-down & around again! She is inside you; & you are inside her. You feel like you are wrapped in angels. In this moment of awakening into Her, you know you are of Her loved ones, Beloved of Her, one with all who have known Her bliss for so long... She is as real as Reality *is* or can ever be; & now Her song is singing you more *alive*! then ever before in the wonder of Her evermore... |