Lighting The Splendors

Art by Norman E. Masters

*All* Becomes...

All becomes.

In Your All we are all becoming.

You are the All we come to know, Sophia.
You are the gnosis -- 
the grace of our becoming.

And we are Your becoming -- thru time's
intricate tapestry, layering the multiverses --
in endless permutation, atoms of Your being,
microcosmic dewdrops reflecting our awe of Your All.

Beyond all reason, beyond all sense --
every nuance of delicatest sensitivity --
in the stillness of all-seeing:  You!

Root of our passion for the divine,
flesh of Mystery, our emancipation
from each situation, the momentous each event
points to, all inclinations that magnetize us
towards bi-polar fusion: to know You most
intimately brings the Absolute into the temporal
now-of-seeing, sweet ecstasy of being.

You are the Face of Fate;
You are the Facelessness of Death;
You are the release
            of all our longings...


~~wynn manners

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