Mask of Gaia

Mask of Gaia
Art by Norman E. Masters

The impunity of all things
is fraught with power

From your unbound abounding
I spring forth, newborn
nurtured & held with delight
tended in all my ways
I, the wave of your sea.

You awaken in my loins
a pillar of fire, leading.
I scream, shout & flop about
every creature crying out from my throat
and my groanings are your groanings
and your cries are rockfast
clear as mountain air.

I try to lift myself up by the bootstraps
try to control the flow of life [ch'i.]
I was young and strong, now am old:
and all my non-dow flows back to you.

Forgetting differences:
my attention undivided
you come and dance me fiercely.

When I fight against myself
my face bears the wounds.

Your strength is soft
your power, harmless & innocent.
No forcing:
your great arm stretches out
your tender hand plays me
[a flute held up to your lips.]
When your tune if full-played:
no remembrance on my part
only your song.

You pass, and out of the corner of my eye
I see a movement & understand not
yet, am I touched, seared by your signet
your seal reconfigures me.

~~~~~~~ for the curious:

Ching = vital energy, which is there,
independent of external stimulation. ho = harmony ch'i ch'ang = life-breath is strong this is about tzu-hua = the self-transforming
of dow within us wang = no remembrance on my part,
[wang not in text] pu-dow tsao i = non-dow soon ends: last line

Frank John Culley

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