Sunrise, from CHINESE FOLK DESIGNS compiled by W. M. Hawley

ddj63, Trust The Great River

the first Westerners to discover this text called it the proto-gospel.

       A suckling child on its mother's breast
       knows few things, but knows them well
       does few things, but does them with gusto.

       Who would dance with the Lord of the Dance
       knows well how to follow
       how to see the slightest movement in the eye of life
       even before it manifests on the dance floor.

       Who would set his stamp on the flow of life
       will know but the splash
       who is stamped by dowflow
       such an one abides.

       We do our best, not by doing good or well
       but by abetting life as it opens up
       receiving wholeheartedly, those first burgeonings.

       Trust the great river will carry you where you need go
       walk the path that walks you
       savor the flavor of each particular
       know that the first is as the last
       mostly, be surprised by your own compassion.

the first lines of actual text read, not my version:

wei wu wei [do without doing]
chih pu chih [know without knowing]
yuan tuh [return harm with kindly Te]

wu wei ta [not doing great things]

Frank John Culley

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