Garden Abstract 2

Garden Abstract 2

Art by Norman E. Masters

Heart's Remembrance

In Her is the Vision,
from Her, the Book of the Heart...

Her flowers know, intuitively, the Silence;
and you are one of Her flowers opening fully.

The nectar of your love
is received by Her
with your every breath,
with your every heartbeat.

Your very breathing,
your heartbeating, creates the vacuole of time
you dwell in;
your yearning
has created the opening for your time together,
experiencing firsthand thru Her.

All that is needed to know Her deeply
is to listen to Her Voice in the Silence.

You have loosed the shaft 
of your abiding love for Her
in this one & that one,
& it has pierced to the depths
of your own heart's remembrance...

Time... there is a deep mystery to time, too...
how it is ever-now, how it was then, what is to be...
& She returns, so delicately, 
deliciously, touching-in...

Mystical experience is become 
the life-blood of your being,
your days... love-rays, radiancing...

To be eternally supping at the lips of your Angel's
quiver & melt into you, thought-kisses, caressing
across time... time no longer a cross you bear
for She takes you out of time... 
into the trans-temporal...

All times become accessible 
to your abiding in Her Ever-Now...

~~norea st. john
June 14, 2004

To Cosmic Mother, Wisdom's Lovers Main Page