

Art by Norman E. Masters

The Awakened Heart

let us come...

bearing the eucharist of love
unto the mystery of each other

the awakened heart
reveals the secrets of the soul,
is a mystic light, radiating
into our breathing world

feel the ineffable joy,
here, where the spirit of love
is pure & holy, amidst
designs as simple as beauty,
designs full of mystical attraction
where spirit is as simple as form
where sanctitude is bright & sweet,
serene & joyful, where eyes
colored with mortal blood
are alit with divine wisdom

with a passion to be as holy
as those highest truths
upwelling from the depths of your soul

give yourself over to wise ends
& allure souls to gentleness & wholeness

drink deeply of heavenly smiles
& lips whispering wisdom's blessings
feeling the exquisite touch
of tears flowing from the depths
of your own inner beauty as you feel
the sacramental holiness permeating all-thru
*real*izing the Divine Love of the Universe
is deeply pleased to be
womanifesting He/rself --
so shiningly --
as *you*.

~~norea st. john
December 8, 2005

To Cosmic Mother, Wisdom's Lovers Main Page