Art by Norman E. Masters
1/22/96 gallop! gallop! gallop! Gal up. the horizontal / vertical spiral reach of flowers always scent of my memories (across time) of her. (along tear-tracks) We are. We were. We will be. We are life! We act the child. We populate the forests of our psyches! We reflect upon lakes of time. distant trumpets articulate all lost causes. distant trumpets bring judgement upon us all. Distant trumpets create new beginnings. Can you hear the Distant trumpets while you play your trumpet? echo. **** 1/23/96 touchtones The solar flare of my awakening frightened me so much that I allowed my self to re-experience it. Oh my Soul! The breadth of the Dance! pitter patter paths of color the Aurora beckons me try again! try again! Each teardrop in the ocean of our lives Makes a difference Even, if only to the flowers in the fields, each teardrop quenches! Oh my memories of dandelion fluff when I tried, when I became. I stepped upon / was lifted by the wind set free! Drifting in possibilities so many of me to touch the Earth, speak to the Sun and dance in the Star-lit Night! Oh my memories when I tried. **** Question why must we at times terrorize ourselves for a failed expectation, trying to re-create an experience giving it a new spin a better outcome certain that then we can soar with the wings of comfort? Look up from your lilypad see yourself loop the loop toward a new perspective. Dear Self. 1/24/96 thirst sequence changelings, my lost causes. changelings, my lost opportunities. changelings, my lost loves! colossus the abyss of freedom I choose for myself! an oh so public, decision. the overgrown retreat, now unseen. No turning back! High steppin' freedom the social/judgemental eye. Do you, believe the things you tell yourself? Burst the bubble, if you choose; nothing is etched in stone, the stone of your fears the abyss of your freedom. **** Distant bonds and Distant friendships sow the filaments of time. How many stepping-stones before one reaches Nirvana? The promised state of being. Strut in anticipation, longing, then continue on your way. thoughts and actions Across the threshold of laughter and uncertainty step lively now turn that doorknob continue on. compass points bail bail bail Row Row Row the longitude of my reach the lattitude of my efforts. Bail! Bail! Bail! Row! Row! Row! up Sail God Speed. **** mirror writing. From the upbeat crucible of talent they were blessed with body language. motionless surface tension Mercury / silver / platinum Make an offering! Buff the sheen. Metronome. Do you Remember? How to survive failed relationships into new friendships? The truths of ancient cores do not always create new scores. batons and cymbals the clash of laughter endless recycling shuffle the notes threads of light spiritual debate on gossamer wings I take flight through the roof Not with hoof I cross the golden shine and leave the Earth behind **** teeter-totter Today's Lesson : Burdens of the World! to increase the weight upon your shoulders bend down lower so that we can place more upon your back. Nose to the ground -- don't sneeze, for you might disturb our footing upon you. Be of service with a smile! Listen to the straw boss! Follow today's program. You are not responding! Why? Of course, you can carry another hundred pounds of guilt! Brink. Tsunami of Spirit. Oh my goodness, may the spirit of peace flow through me. I bought a transcendental coloring book. But the pages are all blank! Why is that? Not even a word! Help! I need a mantra for protection against happy-go-lucky spirits. What image do I place in my thoughts towards truth? Should I swagger? Do I pirouette? Clothes of silk? Flowers in my hair? I turn the blank pages... wait! what's this on the last page? :to be continued |