January 27, 1985, ten forty-one a.m. sigh........................link the polarity? ..................... OH! Great Goddess Of All Creation! sigh. Is it so? that the light, the dark.... Alive? Colors too are alive? "Yes, my daughter, they have always had life. So long it has taken you to discover this truth." Great Goddess? Everything -is? are? Cells of my cells; of our cells? "My daughter, you have known it all along; your heart needed to open, to communicate, to touch, to become one with all before you could discover this truth. "My dear Kathleen, what is discovery? My love for you and all of humanity.... "...each speck upon the Earth, grains of sand, dewdrops, flight of wings, molten rock, molecules of air, atoms, DNA, cells of your cells, everyone's cells." But, Great, Dear Goddess, ......a group mind? All of us, together? We are God? reaching. the vortex. OOOOOOOO.O.O.OOOOoUUuUuuUuUuuUUuuuuuuuooo spiraling. to touch is emotion. to become one with all; I touch you with my thoughts; I touch you with my kisses, my heart, my soul. I touch you with my tears. I touch you with my laughter. I touch you with my past, my future, my present. To touch is emotion. I touch you with my loneliness. Spiraling. |