I've Gone Wildflowers

Photo by Gamaliel Lane Gardner-Masters

I've gone wildflowers

06 - 18 - 81

  I've gone wildflowers
  It's so vast, my desert
               a little pleasant.
  Truly        mesmerized,
  I see the sky towering above;
  But the depths are so inviting,
                     so encompassing.
                     so many layers.
  I must scatter my seed.
                fondle my need.
  When will I be freed.
  The     Slick temperatures affect
          Mixed textures;
          Devotions and commotions bounce back
                           off the soundtrack.

Refract the assaults!
We're a combination of cults.
All lead to the blue vaults.

              come to bed.
   Dip in the gene pool.
   Free falling atomics watch us together
         as we fluff the feather.
   You're a coy boy;
                you're a curl of a girl.
   Swish, swirl
                we unfurl,
                begin to twirl.
   Our gladness surpasses our sadness.
   Mad fun forms another one.

   From humanity
                 to insanity,
   Every kook and nanny
         deserves a pat on the fanny.

~~Peter K. Ligeski

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