Photo by Gamaliel Masters
dearOne... tears... warmcurled beneath the covers of ourselves but sometimes knottedup inside & the inside flows outside soulheart alone in the silence youthots pulsing the 2 a.m. 3 a.m. 4 a.m. sleeplessness whisper of the innerVoice pain... transition? birthpangs of What? all that hasn't been letgo? tears are the letgo warmflow into selfarms wetsmeared with the salt wounds deephidden beneath repression's control tears... unchaining the heartlocks unblocking the waterflow sometimes years-of-tears letgo into soultides/heartquake shakeawake from sleep into outselves/out of ourselves mistblur of all the troubled why's to which even the wise have no keys... except tears... in wetsoft release flowing beyond all knowing as the arms of Silence enfold heartsbeating without armor tears... crysalis of liquid yes-blessing blear-smearing pure cleansing herenow clear of fears emptied to be filled with the divine as near as your heart still singing thru a mist of tears... |