Steve Krantz at Bald Eagle Lake

Steve Krantz at Bald Eagle Lake
Artistic Rendering by Norman E. Masters

Seasons are perhaps like

Seasons are perhaps like
a gentle hand
which comes carefully
of no where
like arranging a window

into which people stare
arranging and changing
placing carefully       there 
a strange thing   there
a known thing

Seasons are perhaps like
a hand in a window
carefully moving New and Old
things while new people stare carefully

.....moving perhaps a fraction of
a flower   here
an inch of air       there

and without breaking anything

Tuesday is a new
look at July
or the other way

it's here

I didn't want it
to be here but
who gives a damn

the baseball team
lost two in a row
the country did no better

I like cops from my
3rd story window
and pretty soon I'll spill
my mind on the walk.

The girls look great from
here  can't see pimples
dirty face  unshaven legs  and
best of all they can't
see me

Tuesday is a new look
at July 
or is it September

~~ Steven Krantz

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