Eye Into The Energy Matrix

Art by Norman E. Masters


Who is singing the poem ?

The shoprats relishing
                       the touch of sunlight,
the carpenters cursing
                       their hammers and nails,
the dishwashers stealing
                         a cigarette or two.

What is the poem saying ?

It's inviting us
                 to the feast of mankind,
it's calling us
                to the banquet of all souls,
it's making music
                  of our passionate fury.

Where is the poem now ?

In the light of dawn
                     awaiting the lovers,
in the glaze of frost
                      adorning the grass,
in the open roads
                  leading to the future.

And where is the poem going ?

It's going to scatter its seed
                               from pillar to post
it's going to fill the air
                           with the sparkle of life,
it's going to fill the streets
                               with sayings of truth.

john mach

[To Cosmic Wind Main Page] LightShimmer in the BlueHeart, art by Norman E. Masters