The Winsome One has asked me to provide the material for this side of a website that is much like an old Ace Double Novel in concept. (Which of us is more topsy~turvily up~side~down in perspective I leave for others to determine! ;) )
Over the course of time ahead, *COSMIC WIND* is intended to become a very large anthology of literature, most often (it is hoped) of meritorious excellence.
There is some classical literature (by neglected unto nigh-forgotten) authors that is not online that I'd like to help keep alive: essays by the likes of Thomas Carlyle, John Burroughs, Richard Jeffries, some of David Grayson's material, poetry by Sara Teasdale, for starters -- time allowing. There are also some good sf tales from the old pulps I've never seen anthologized and some forgotten piano sheet music from the 1850's to 1920's that I'd like to help preserve and make available to others (from composers like Theodore Oesten, Brinley Richards, Adolph Baumbach and John A. Seidt).
A lot of my own writing will be going up here, initially; but that of some of my closest friends will shortly follow (such as a generous selection from the whimsically delightful poetry and letters of Peter K. Ligeski and an "In Memoriam" selection from the late poet, Steve Krantz, who was killed in 1973).
To my view, variety of perception spices life considerably.
There will be lots of variety blowing in upon the *Cosmic Wind*.
You are invited to bookmark this page and return, again and ever-again, to sample more of this ongoing literary smorgasbord. We are hoping to get a bit of something new up each month.
Poetry *has* been copyrighted by its respective Authors -- but feel free to download a personal copy of anything here; also feel free to print out a personal copy for yourself (& as many copies as you wish to *giveaway* to others) of any of the poetry initially going up on my side *or* Wynn's side. Specific copyright restrictions -- on future material going up -- will be noted on the introductory page of that particular author's material.
Our contents (on both sides) are aimed towards being material of repeatedly *RE*readable quality. We hope that much of it you will *want* to reread. Sometimes some meanings come more deeply home with the third unto dozenth reading...
You are also invited to sign the Guest Book, as soon as it's up. If you have a website online, by all means provide a link, there, to what you're presenting (in this ongoing global potlatch) so that others tuning in there can check you out! In addition to the normal kind of comments, feel free to add a poem you've written, a brief quote that's especially spoken to you, a review you've written of some book you found especially meaningful, or just a personal expression of views upon whatever issue you are most passionate about, for which you would appreciate a public podium to express what you have to say to howmanyever others might be interested.
I would like to see the Guest Book at *COSMIC WIND* become a spontaneous visitor created online anthology, mainly for people who don't have their own website yet. Post something there that is uniquely original to *you*! Surprise and delight us all!
The buttons to the left will be increasing; they will generally bring up buttons to the right; and you can push anybody's button you want! ;)