
Art by Norman E. Masters

Every Day
Sabbath In You...

In Your embrace, Beloved... i am near the vine;
entwine around me, enwrap me close & warm...
breathe into me...

"I *am* you, breathing your gifts into you..." You said.

Your Love, this enfleshment... 
but what larger mesh in the forevermore?

That You are me, to see thru these eyes, 
feel thru these sensitivities, what crescendo, this? 
That i surge into Your Unthinkableness,
the Void of Your enigma, Your cryptic mystique... 
the mists of these days... all that *is* missed... 
the misses & the misters, the listenings & the yes sirs...

Alone with You again, Beloved... alone *within* myself...
the blankness of this day ahead of me

i *feel* the warm fuzziness of Your Presence of Spirit 
from crown of head to neck... awakened this morning 
with "Wake up and make the best part..."

What "part" of You 
is the "best part" to be "making," Beloved? ;)

Near the "vine" of You... am i a leaf? a tendril?

A tenderness...

What gifts today... what gifts 
for other misted days...? Sabbaths in You...

Gropings... fragments of hope... 
emptied, now... like none of it has been...
So much like my dad's life... 
What is *worth* remembering?
Wherein do the deepest, most relevant meanings lie?

Only that which speaks 
to each individual's *own* deepest internity...
beatifying the beauty-within, reaching the core,
that the petals of ourselves open to You, infilling...

You came... You caused our togethers to even *be*...

When first You reached 
so luminously into my very Dreaming,
when You revealed Your Face of Light -- 
it was *more* than the power of being lightning-stroked,
it was a super-nova! Such unexpected Light... followed
by the Dark Chaos of pulsing fear, 
deep disturbance's "What does this *mean*?!"

Thank You for coming to me in that way... 
once upon a Dream -- shock!ing me awake!

~~wynn manners

To Cosmic Mother, Wisdom's Lovers Main Page