Purple Haze

Purple Haze
Art by Norman E. Masters

Memories Revived 1975

I've been waiting for you this late October afternoon, waiting forever for a chance to tease you into love. I lead you out beyond the wildflowers where horses wander, beyond the well where we first talked, with words that blossomed into whispers of longing. When you leaned toward me, your laugh, the scent of your sun warmed skin commandeered my mind and stole the music in my soul. I've dream kissed every inch of you, in every way I could imagine, bathed in your laughter, drowned myself inside you, yet never touched you at all.

Rainbow Stretch

Rainbow Stretch
Art by Norman E. Masters

I am manic, distracted, dull ached by desire, my body a constant burn of wanting. Your face, your laugh, your name loop endlessly through my mind. I've been waiting for you this late October afternoon, waiting forever for a chance to tease you into love. I brush your arm, as if it were an accident and you secretly grin. I think I'll faint. We turn to each other, ease ourselves on a bed of nodding wildflowers and grasses. Suddenly shy, our hands whisper their introductions. I want to leap, to dive through the sky, to shred the afternoon, to grab you, stretch our legs and cartwheel to starlight. Instead I look in your eyes for the answer to the question too terrible to ask, "do you want me as much as I want you?" Is what I feel just a mirage from my own manic and wanting mind?

Crystal White Rainbow Shores

Crystal White Rainbow Shores
Art by Norman E. Masters

You reach up softly, caress my lips and I drown, overwhelmed by the spider silk feel of your fingers, the sudden implosion after weeks of wanting, the strangling joy taking all my words away, so I smile and you smile back. We roll toward each other, breaths mingling, suspended, I am mesmerized, unable to move, not trusting the moment, that it is not another fevered dream, night sweats in rumpled sheets, making love to mirrors in my mind. I trace your body with my hands, feel you tighten with sudden pleasure, hold your breath, then exhale and trace a map without words for me to follow, I am drowning here forever.

LoveShores In Blue

LoveShores In Violet Longing
Art by Norman E. Masters

© Zen Oleary May 8, 2003

More of Zen Oleary's poems (and those by others) can be accessed at:
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