Norman Oval Extract

Norman E. Masters
Photo by Gamaliel Lane Gardner-Masters

i live, i love

i love the wind's wild freedom
the cleansing of the rain
i love the quiet nooks, serene,
sweet places of repose
that lure me in to dream

i love the lively tumble
where eyes dance love-joy's laughter
& touch explores all over-under
so delicately deepdeepdeep into
the wonder of
you loving me loving you

i live to be free
childe of earth (as earthy as any)
to know this earth with an intimacy
surpassing all superficialities of lust
to the depths of her heart-pulse,
prone to probing life's deepest thrust
into communion with ThaT SpiriT which
has evolved the very dusts into
bodies divine & visions sublime

i seek the silences of the deepest deeps
& reach towards the void between the stars
where imagination explores as far
as the furthest shores of infinity;
& i know of the Deep that lies within
each soul that SEEs with inward eyes
attuned to the Whole that is wholly holy
abiding in that Stillness whence
the Voice of the Spirit speaks (all-wise...)
--gifting recompense--

i live to love each intimacy
of friendly human fellowship
delighting in each nuance of wonder
becoming ever fonder of
the innocence of every child
(perceiving in youth our Hope of the Future)
awakening to faith, learning to love

i live, i love, i grow thru pains
that exist to sensitize & deepen compassion

& the grace of the gifts
of life are enough
to keep me gratefull

                           ~~by Norman E. Masters

[pp. 5 - 6, TIMESCAPES ~~ Poetry by Norman E. Masters
Dawn Vision Press 1985]

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